David Rowlands: Military Artist
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The 5th Regiment of Foot at the Battle of Wilhelmstahl   The 5th Regiment of Foot at the Battle of Wilhelmstahl

Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, the commander of the Allied forces in Germany, attacked the French army commanded by the Prince de Soubise and the Comte d’Estrées, which had taken up a position to the north of Kassel, with its headquarters at Wilhelmstahl. The country is hilly and enclosed, and heavily wooded.

On the morning of 24th June 1762, the Hanoverian troops under Spörcke and Lückner attacked from the north-east, while Ferdinand himself advanced from the north upon the main French army under Stainville. The French were being pushed back, when, to their complete surprise, the British troops which had advanced from the south-west under the Marquis of Granby deployed into line and attacked them unexpectedly on their left rear. Stainville’s troops faced about to meet this new threat, and the Grenadiers de France, the Royal Grenadiers and the Regiment of Aquitaine fought hard to try and drive the British back down the hill. There was much fighting in the woods. With Ferdinand’s German troops pressing from the other direction, Stainville’s corps broke.

3,000 prisoners were taken, many of them by the 5th Foot, which was awarded the battle-honour ‘Wilhelmstahl’ (in 1836). Stainville himself escaped with the remnants of his force, just two battalions, and the fugitives of the French army streamed away towards their base at Kassel.

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Owner: 5th Bn Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

Price(s): £70